Monday, April 30, 2007

Got em all workin, Meet the Sinclairs

My youngest daughter servicin a lawn tractor. She works for a couple down the road cuttin grass and doin yard chores. The fella who she works for mentioned he needed to get his lawn tractor serviced so she took on the job and with dad's help she'll get er done. I think she is makin a parts list in the picture.

This is what little brothers and big sisters do in the country. I finnally had to tell him to put it away. Got tired of listening to "Dad, He"s is squirtin me again!

Oldest daughter puttin a salt lick holder in the horse shelter. She cut everything out with a hand saw. Cuts are real straight and square too. Did way better than I could off. Offered her the power cutoff saw but she said no thanks, I'm ok.

This is my son. He was paintin that wash tub stand behind him. He has no paint on him because I make him wear coveralls and rubber gloves. You should see his coveralls.

My lovely wife letterin Eggs For Sale signs (which we are gettin over run with, not the signs, the eggs). Anyone want to buy some Farm Fresh Brown Eggs?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007

Well here it is getting onto the end of April and I have not posted on the old blog in a good long time. I would like to say it is because I am so busy but it is more like I am so lazy. Actually life has been busy and full around our home. What has been happening?

My son turned 10 last week. We celebrated by havin a nice supper and he came with the wife and I to a poultry seminar (which he fell asleep at but only after he filled up on donuts and juice).

We had a great Easter. It was celebrated with family and our new church. Speaking of which our family is enjoyin allot. Maybe I will talk a little more about it later in this post.

Oldest daughter is beatin the bushes lookin for a summer job. No luck yet but she has a couple of interviews this weekend.

Been servicin equipment, getting ready for the season.

Taxes are all done and sent in.

Flu bug went through our house like wild fire. Everyone but yours truly caught it. It was a nasty one.

Oldest daughter made her first big purchase ever. Bought a new (used) computer last Saturday. Man was she excited. She bought it from a local store (good people). I’m glad and proud of her for doin that. She didn’t go to the big box stores. She thought of it but decided to spend her money in the community. Good for her.

Things have/are dryin up pretty nice around here. The odd pile of snow in the bush still. No one is plantin anything yet though. I know some of our neighbors to the south are plantin already but up here in Canada we can get heavy frost well into May (and usually do). That is about all the news form here.

My son is out workin tonight. Its beer can season. When the snow goes and the water in the ditches start to dry up a young fella can make a small fortune collectin beer cans. He gets a big bag and his bike and he works his way down the roads makin his fortune. He gets 10 cents each for them. He collects pop cans too but ya only make about 50 cents a pound for them. Its good honest work and he cleans up some trash to boot.

I want to talk about somethin that I learned in Church last Sunday. I am not sure I learned it or if I always knew it and hadn’t come to terms with it. As I had mentioned earlier we have started attendin a local church in the area. People are real nice and have made my family feel so welcome. The atmosphere is a little different than we are used to. Very relaxed, no formalities, no stained glass, no big fancy doors, tons of young people, ya all get the picture. The Pastor, I’ll call him Pastor Norm (because that is his name) and his family put this deal together 4 ½ years ago. They have been in various locations over those 4+ years but have ended up on the Pastor’s land in a barn on the banks of Cooks Creek. I don’t think Jesus himself could have come up with a prettier setting. Come to think of it, he did come up with the setting. What was I thinking? The barn has been renovated somewhat to accommodate a bunch of good ol country people a place to worship Jesus, praise the Lord and have fellowship. Last Sunday after church we stayed a spell to help clean up and when we came outside there were yung uns everywhere. Playin soccer, talking in little groups, playin on an old rope swing. I immediately thought of Little House on the Prairie. I’m sure I saw a scene like that in the shows many times. Anyway, that’s not what I want to talk on. I want to tell ya all what I learned. The Pastor preached a little on grace and peace. I want to talk about peace and what that word means to me (after last Sunday). Do ya all have peace? Maybe some other words for peace could be contentment, joy and satisfaction. How do ya measure if ya have peace in your life? There are many ways. How do ya sleep at night? Do you worry? Is your happiness or your joy based on material possessions, a vacation, your appearance (read attractiveness)? What crutch (money, drink, drugs, food, anger, temper, humor, purchasing) do ya use to get ya through a day? All of these things may be an indication as to where you are at in obtaining peace in your life. Don’t get me wrong. Most of the things mentioned above are not a problem as long as they don’t become a necessity in you finding value in your being. The problem comes when the peace (satisfaction, contentment, joy) you find in life depends on something (money, vacation, possessions, etc.) or when ya lay down at night and can’t sleep because your mind is obsessed with worry. Let’s take this one step further. What if we used a person’s peace to measure a person’s success? The more at peace you are the more successful you are. How could that be? Everyone knows success is measured in money, possessions, personal appearance, education and social status. I don’t think that should be the way success is measured. Peace would be an excellent way to measure success. Would you not agree a poor person that has true joy and real peace is more successful than a rich person who is obsessed and stressed with possessions and social status. I’m not sayin a rich person can’t be successful. I am sayin the rich person’s success has nothing to do with his money (at least that is how I see it). How content are ya? How much joy do ya feel and share. How satisfied are ya all? Wouldn’t that be a great way to measure success? This is getting pretty long so I won’t go into how to obtain the peace ya need to be successful. That will be for another post.

Lets lighten things up a bit. How about one of my bad jokes. Here goes.

A very enthusiastic soul-winning young preacher recently came upon a farmer working in his field. Being concerned about the farmer's soul the preacher asked the man, "Are you laboring in the vineyard of the Lord my good man?"

Not even looking at the preacher and continuing his work the farmer replied, "Naw, these are soybeans."

"You don't understand," said the preacher. "Are you a Christian?"

With the same amount of interest as his previous answer the farmer said, "Nope my name is Jones. You must be lookin for old Jim Christian. He lives a mile south of here."

The young determined preacher tried again asking the farmer, "Are you lost?"

"Naw! I've lived here all my life," answered the farmer.

"Are you prepared for the resurrection?" the frustrated preacher asked.

This caught the farmer's attention and he asked, "When's it gonna be?"

Thinking he had finnally got through to the farmer, the young preacher replied, "It could be today, tomorrow, or the next day." Taking a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiping his brow, the farmer remarked, "Well, don't mention it to the wife. She don't get out much and she'll wanna go all three days."

Ya all have a good day. Talk to soon.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

April 1, 2007 Last Post

This will be my last blog, Some people have made some comments on my abilities with the english language, the inappropriate jokes and the useless content in my blog. I do not want to offend anyone. When I started this blog it was too be all in fun. If I have hurt anyone's feelings or I have offended anyone I am truly sorry. So for old time sake, one more post.

Cold wet snow comin down here in Cooks Creek. And to make matters worse it is stayin around. The barometer is droppin so this weather is goin to get worse before it gets better. Such is life in Cooks Creek.

On the bright side I bought a new wheelbarrow yesterday. They were on sale at the hardware store for ½ price so I picked one up yesterday morning. Now this puts me in a whole new league. We are a two-wheelbarrow farm now. Now some folks would get and uppity and snooty when they owned two wheelbarrows. Kind of look down on the families that only has one wheelbarrow. Not me. This ain’t goin to change me one bit. I know where I came from. I know my roots. I was a one wheelbarrow farm for a good many years so I know how that feels. I’m still the same goodolboy I was when I only had one wheelbarrow. Still as down to earth as I ever was. Still as country as a lump of dirt. No sir. The fame that comes with owning two wheelbarrows will not go to my head.

On the subject of that wheelbarrow. Did you know when ya buy a new 2007 deluxe state of the art wheelbarrow it comes in pieces and ya all have to put it together yourself? I picked up my new wheelbarrow yesterday morning or should I say the parts to my new wheelbarrow. Brought it home and took all the parts and pieces into the shop. I had to go out again so my son (age 9) asks if he can put it together. I say, “sure son”. Ya all know where the tools are. Knock yourself out and have fun. Off I went not expectin him to get the thing together and fully expected him give up tryin in a short time. When I say the thing came in pieces I am not jokin. There was not one part of the thing that was assembled. Anyway to make a long story short I came home and he had it together and it was perfect. I was amazed and rather proud. I have seen grown men have difficulty assemblin some stuff like that. He even told me he had left all the bolts finger tight until I inspected it. Right on the money. Good job son and thanks to you one less job I have to do. I don’t think I give ya enough credit some times.

We had a neat experience this morning. We went to Church. Ya are all sayin “big deal, you and half the world went to church this mornin”. “What’s so neat about that”? Well we went to church in a barn. Yep, an old barn that has been converted into a church. It is called Willowdale Fellowship. Pastors name is Norm Neufeld. Pastor Neufeld has converted an old barn on his property into a church. We attended for the first time and it was the most enjoyable experience. No fancy stained glass windows or fancy pews. No suits and ties (which I really liked) or all the stuff that is associated with formal church. The church was full of yung-uns. My wife phoned Pastor Neufeld yesterday afternoon to ask about the church (they have a small blurb in the local paper). He said they are tryin to follow Jesus without the religion. I was not sure what that meant but I sure enjoyed myself this morning. Then after church we were invited to have a bowl of homemade soup (which was the best) and buns. We all met some very nice people that made us feel very welcome. What a great experience it was. Lookin forward to the next time. This deal is right here in Cooks Creek. Almost in our back yard. Who knew.

Time for one more joke, this one comes from my youngest daughter.

There was a man who came from the city wanting to start a chicken farm of his very own. He went a local hatchery to buy some chicks to start his farm. He went in and purchased 500 fine White Rocks chicks. The next week he came back to the hatchery and purchased 500 top quality Rhode Island Reds chicks. The following week it was 500 Cornish chicks and so on and so on for many weeks. Finally, the hatchery man could stand it no longer and said, "Wow you must be starting a huge poultry farm with all of these chicks!" "Not so big really, "said the city slicker, "I'm just having a little trouble with this first crop. I can't tell if I'm planting them too deep or too close together."

I know they’re getting worse.

Keep your stick on the ice.

Oh Yea, April Fools, I'll be back. ;-)