Good evening from Cooks Creek. Extreme cold has set in here. The mild fall has turned into winter. We are really feelin the cold since we did not get a chance to adapt. It went from a mild 30 to -30 in a heart beat. About 5 inches of snow on the ground. This is not uncommon for this time of year. It is the big fluctuation in temperature that has us all scrambling for the warm indoors.
Last Sunday our Pastor talked on 1 Timothy Chapter 2. Now anyone that knows the Bible is goin to know this area is a touchy subject to some. The role of men and women is always a thing that has people treading lightly. I listened and pondered and listened and pondered some more. I do a lot of ponderin in church. I don’t say much, just think and listen. Better to keep my mouth shut and people only think I’m stupid than to open my mouth and remove all doubt. Anyway, where was I? Oh yea, men and women. On Sunday evening, me and the Mrs. started talking about what our Preacher was talking about. Kind of had a little Bible study. Just the two of us. It went on till midnight. Needless to say I was tired the next day cause my day starts at 5:00 am. I’m not stallin, really I’m not. Just keep getting side tracked. Now where was I again? Oh yea. Me and the wife were talking about men and women and what their roles should be.
We started by layin out what we knew for sure. Kind of no brainers. What I am about to blog is what the wife and I came up with in our discussion on Sunday night.
Men and women are different emotionally.
Women and men are different physically. (notice how I put men first once then women first the next time, got to be politically correct ya know)
Women bare children.
Women need men to have children.
Men need women and women need men to fulfill their lives.
Without men or without women, humans would become extinct in a few short years.
Leadership and superiority is not the same thing.
Leadership is required to maintain order.
The family is important to civilization.
Raisin children is the most important job anyone will ever do.
Self worth is in the mind of the beholder.
Modern society’s belief of the importance of a person’s work and roles are not important in the whole scheme of things.
God loves both men and women the same.
In the Bible, God is referenced as a male.
God is the father of all man kind.
There are specific references in the Bible as to what the roles of a man should be and what a woman should be.
The Bible is the truth.
In nature, females and males of any species have specific roles.
This is what me and my wife come up with. I don’t think anyone can argue against any of these points with much conviction. I’m goin to leave this for tonight and let ya all think on this a spell. I will come back to it in my next post and let ya all know what me and the wife come up with. And yes, we do agree on this. We are both on the same page so to speak.
How about a joke to ease the tention a little. I know I probably am committing blog suicide here with addressing this topic but if ya can’t write what ya think and believe there ain’t no use writin anything at all.
A wife goes to bed at night irritated at her husband so she decides to pray, and this is what she said "God give me tolerance for my husbands stupidity, give me wisdom to understand him, give me forgiveness to forgive him of his ignorance, but please God I beg of thee don’t give me strength cause I’ll kill him!"
Part 2 will be comin at ya soon.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
November 29, 2007 The Roles of Men and Women
Saturday, November 24, 2007
November 24, 2007 One month until Christmas
Saturday evening in Cooks Creek. Not much happening. At least not in our home anyway. Actually, it is a good bet there aint much happenin anywhere in Cooks Creek.
I spent the day around the old homestead on our property clearing up some deadfall and cutting wood. Hard work but it is good work. Work I enjoy. Come to think of it, I enjoy it so much it doesn’t feel like work at all. Could put it on the same level as going huntin or fishin. With that all said, I am bushed. That little chain saw was getting kind of heavy after a time. Ya got to watch cause when ya start getting tired and your holdin a chain saw it may be better to call it quits. Still lots to do but it will be there another day.
Just sittin around here and thinking about how good I got it. Got a family that is second to none. Nice and warm in our little house. Roof don’t leak and ya can’t feel the wind (well not much anyway). Had a good supper, so I am well fed. Can’t think of a single thing I need. Well, there is one thing I think I will need in a short time, some sleep.
The wife has started playin her Christmas Hymns. She will play those CDs every chance she gets until Christmas. My Blue Grass has to take a back seat this time of year. She sure does love her Christmas carols.
Church tomorrow morning. I missed last week cause I had to work. So tomorrow we will be there and it is a bonus Sunday cause it is pot luck Sunday. Everyone brings a dish of something and ya get to have a great lunch after the service. Not sure what we are bringin (not my department). Last time wife made perogies. Maybe the same this time. Not sure.
I got the stalls in the barn completed. Didn’t do a bad job for a fella who isn’t much of a carpenter. My Dad was a carpenter and when I was a yung un I would have to help him. I sure wish I would of paid more attention to what he was doin and how he did it. As with most little guys my mind was on baseball, hockey, huntin and fishin. I would go and help cause I had to but my mind was mostly somewhere else. Sure could use some of that knowledge today. But ain’t that always the way. Ya squander your time and then spend time wishin ya wouldn’t have squandered it. My Dad wasn’t much of a teacher. If ya wanted to learn something ya shutup and watched. He didn’t want for me to be a carpenter. Not sure why. Just always said “ya don’t want to be don this for a livin”. That was ok with me cause I was more interested in machines anyway. My Dad’s Dad’s Dad (my great grandpa) was a carpenter. My Dad’s Dad (my grandpa) was a mechanic. My Dad was a carpenter. I am a mechanic. So, if trends are anything to go by my son will be a carpenter. That would be ok with me or not. What ever he wants to do as long as he gives it his all and is the best he can be.
As ya can see from my ramblins above I don’t have allot to tell ya but that is ok. Just some small talk. How about I end er off with a huntin joke.
A deeer hunter went on a deer hunt with his wife and mother-in-law. One evening, while still deep in the wilderness, his wife awoke to find her mother gone. Rushing to her husband, she insisted that they both try to find her mother.
The hunter picked up his rifle, and started to look for her. In a clearing not far from deer camp, they came upon a dreadful sight. His mother-in-law was backed up against a huge oak and a big grizzly bear stood facing her.
The wife cried, "What are we going to do?"
"Nothing," said her husband. "That bear got himself into this mess, let him get himself out of it."
That’s all folks. Talk to ya all soon.
I spent the day around the old homestead on our property clearing up some deadfall and cutting wood. Hard work but it is good work. Work I enjoy. Come to think of it, I enjoy it so much it doesn’t feel like work at all. Could put it on the same level as going huntin or fishin. With that all said, I am bushed. That little chain saw was getting kind of heavy after a time. Ya got to watch cause when ya start getting tired and your holdin a chain saw it may be better to call it quits. Still lots to do but it will be there another day.
Just sittin around here and thinking about how good I got it. Got a family that is second to none. Nice and warm in our little house. Roof don’t leak and ya can’t feel the wind (well not much anyway). Had a good supper, so I am well fed. Can’t think of a single thing I need. Well, there is one thing I think I will need in a short time, some sleep.
The wife has started playin her Christmas Hymns. She will play those CDs every chance she gets until Christmas. My Blue Grass has to take a back seat this time of year. She sure does love her Christmas carols.
Church tomorrow morning. I missed last week cause I had to work. So tomorrow we will be there and it is a bonus Sunday cause it is pot luck Sunday. Everyone brings a dish of something and ya get to have a great lunch after the service. Not sure what we are bringin (not my department). Last time wife made perogies. Maybe the same this time. Not sure.
I got the stalls in the barn completed. Didn’t do a bad job for a fella who isn’t much of a carpenter. My Dad was a carpenter and when I was a yung un I would have to help him. I sure wish I would of paid more attention to what he was doin and how he did it. As with most little guys my mind was on baseball, hockey, huntin and fishin. I would go and help cause I had to but my mind was mostly somewhere else. Sure could use some of that knowledge today. But ain’t that always the way. Ya squander your time and then spend time wishin ya wouldn’t have squandered it. My Dad wasn’t much of a teacher. If ya wanted to learn something ya shutup and watched. He didn’t want for me to be a carpenter. Not sure why. Just always said “ya don’t want to be don this for a livin”. That was ok with me cause I was more interested in machines anyway. My Dad’s Dad’s Dad (my great grandpa) was a carpenter. My Dad’s Dad (my grandpa) was a mechanic. My Dad was a carpenter. I am a mechanic. So, if trends are anything to go by my son will be a carpenter. That would be ok with me or not. What ever he wants to do as long as he gives it his all and is the best he can be.
As ya can see from my ramblins above I don’t have allot to tell ya but that is ok. Just some small talk. How about I end er off with a huntin joke.
A deeer hunter went on a deer hunt with his wife and mother-in-law. One evening, while still deep in the wilderness, his wife awoke to find her mother gone. Rushing to her husband, she insisted that they both try to find her mother.
The hunter picked up his rifle, and started to look for her. In a clearing not far from deer camp, they came upon a dreadful sight. His mother-in-law was backed up against a huge oak and a big grizzly bear stood facing her.
The wife cried, "What are we going to do?"
"Nothing," said her husband. "That bear got himself into this mess, let him get himself out of it."
That’s all folks. Talk to ya all soon.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
November 17, 2007
What a great day. It is well below freezing out there this morning but the sun is shining and there is not a cloud in the sky. Perfect late fall weather. And best of all, no mud. Ya can walk anywhere and it is like walkin on concrete,
We just come in from outside doin chores. It was only three of us this morning. The oldest went to work at 5:00 and the middle daughter is still under the weather. She has been sick goin on a week now. She will get feelin better then it will hit her again. Don’t really think she has taken in any food for a week and what she has taken in will come back out (if ya get my drift). Why don’t ya take her to a doctor ya say. Good question and that brings me to the point of my rant. Haven’t had one of those for a spell so it is about time.
One of the things that used to be special about Canada was our medical system. We had free medical care. I don’t know how many times I would get to talking with one of our neighbors to the south (state side) and they would go on and on how lucky we were about how we got free medical care. They used to be right. Kind of. It wasn’t really free. We paid for the medical care through the tax system. Those that worked and paid taxes, paid for their medical care. The problem with that was those that worked and paid their taxes had to not only pay for their medical care but they paid for all the lazy slackers that didn’t work. The free loaders. Every country has them and ya we got our share of them too. Actually I think we got more than our share. Anyway, where was I? Oh, ya, the medical system. Well, it is still free but ya can’t get any services. Here is a typical scenario on our medical system. First, let me assure ya, what I am about to say here is the rule in this province, it is not the exception.
A few months ago my father-in-law (who is in his 80s) got ill and one morning he could not get out of bed. An ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital at around 2:00 PM. He was taken to Emergency. Because he was in bed when the ambulance picked him up he had only his underwear on. He was received at emergency rapped in a sheet and set out in the waiting room in a wheelchair and left. My wife (his daughter) went to the admitting nurse at 9:30 PM and asked when her father was going to be attended to (he had now been waiting for over 7 hours, nothing to eat or drink, no one from the hospital even acknowledged he was still there). She was told ambulance patients have priority. My wife said “FOR PETE SAKE HE CAME IN AN AMBULANCE. At 10:30 that evening he was seen by a doctor. The doctor thought he may have had a stroke and thought they should schedule him for some tests. He was then discharged that evening at around midnight. After a 6 week wait he received his tests and he did have a stroke. In case you’re wondering, he is doing fine but it is of no thanks to our medical system. I’ll let you decide if ya think I am getting my moneys worth for the tax dollars I pay for our medical care. As I sat in that waitin room and watched my father-in-law waitin (wrapped in a sheet in his underwear). I remembered he was a veteran. He fought in the second world war, as did his brother and his father fought in the first world war. This is what his country thinks of him. He can’t buy, beg, borrow or steal medical help.
So where are my tax dollars going? I am payin my taxes and for my taxes one of the things I am suppose to be entitled to is medical care. I am supposed to also be entitled to education and a justice system that keeps me and my property safe. Those systems are in the same situation as our health care. The last I checked stealing was illegal. My money is being stolen from me. I pay taxes and for those taxes I am suppose to receive certain services. If you pay your money for a service and the provider does not deliver is that not illegal? Is that not theft? Our country is in a shambles. The systems our government is supposed to deliver are a mess to say the least. I am required by law to pay my taxes but the law does not require the provider to provide the service. That is because the provider (the government) makes the rules. The provider is a thief. The provider is a crook. I have learned not to depend on my government. I don’t expect anything and I am never disappointed. Thank you Mr. Government for taking my hard earned dollars (over half of my family’s income) and not delivering. At least you’re consistent. One of the main topics in the news these days is how one of our former Prime Ministers is involved in illegal pay offs for awarding untended services. There is no question in my mind he is as crooked as a dogs hind leg. 90% of our politicians and people running this country are self serving. There interest is not to run the country but to line their pockets and elevate their egos. Anybody think different?
How bout a joke? Let me see. Well it is not really a joke, More like a sad truth.
Can you imagine working at the following Company? It has a little over 500 employees with the following statistics:
29 have been accused of spouse abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
117 have bankrupted at least two businesses
3 have been arrested for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shop-lifting
21 are current defendants in lawsuits
In 1998 alone 84 were stopped for drunk driving
Can you guess which organization this is?Give up?
It's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group that perpetually cranks out hundreds upon hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line.
I couldn't fine any statisics on our Canadian Parlament but there is no question in my mind we have similarly fine upstanding individuals leading our country. Why do we allow this? How do we change?
Talk to ya all soon.
We just come in from outside doin chores. It was only three of us this morning. The oldest went to work at 5:00 and the middle daughter is still under the weather. She has been sick goin on a week now. She will get feelin better then it will hit her again. Don’t really think she has taken in any food for a week and what she has taken in will come back out (if ya get my drift). Why don’t ya take her to a doctor ya say. Good question and that brings me to the point of my rant. Haven’t had one of those for a spell so it is about time.
One of the things that used to be special about Canada was our medical system. We had free medical care. I don’t know how many times I would get to talking with one of our neighbors to the south (state side) and they would go on and on how lucky we were about how we got free medical care. They used to be right. Kind of. It wasn’t really free. We paid for the medical care through the tax system. Those that worked and paid taxes, paid for their medical care. The problem with that was those that worked and paid their taxes had to not only pay for their medical care but they paid for all the lazy slackers that didn’t work. The free loaders. Every country has them and ya we got our share of them too. Actually I think we got more than our share. Anyway, where was I? Oh, ya, the medical system. Well, it is still free but ya can’t get any services. Here is a typical scenario on our medical system. First, let me assure ya, what I am about to say here is the rule in this province, it is not the exception.
A few months ago my father-in-law (who is in his 80s) got ill and one morning he could not get out of bed. An ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital at around 2:00 PM. He was taken to Emergency. Because he was in bed when the ambulance picked him up he had only his underwear on. He was received at emergency rapped in a sheet and set out in the waiting room in a wheelchair and left. My wife (his daughter) went to the admitting nurse at 9:30 PM and asked when her father was going to be attended to (he had now been waiting for over 7 hours, nothing to eat or drink, no one from the hospital even acknowledged he was still there). She was told ambulance patients have priority. My wife said “FOR PETE SAKE HE CAME IN AN AMBULANCE. At 10:30 that evening he was seen by a doctor. The doctor thought he may have had a stroke and thought they should schedule him for some tests. He was then discharged that evening at around midnight. After a 6 week wait he received his tests and he did have a stroke. In case you’re wondering, he is doing fine but it is of no thanks to our medical system. I’ll let you decide if ya think I am getting my moneys worth for the tax dollars I pay for our medical care. As I sat in that waitin room and watched my father-in-law waitin (wrapped in a sheet in his underwear). I remembered he was a veteran. He fought in the second world war, as did his brother and his father fought in the first world war. This is what his country thinks of him. He can’t buy, beg, borrow or steal medical help.
So where are my tax dollars going? I am payin my taxes and for my taxes one of the things I am suppose to be entitled to is medical care. I am supposed to also be entitled to education and a justice system that keeps me and my property safe. Those systems are in the same situation as our health care. The last I checked stealing was illegal. My money is being stolen from me. I pay taxes and for those taxes I am suppose to receive certain services. If you pay your money for a service and the provider does not deliver is that not illegal? Is that not theft? Our country is in a shambles. The systems our government is supposed to deliver are a mess to say the least. I am required by law to pay my taxes but the law does not require the provider to provide the service. That is because the provider (the government) makes the rules. The provider is a thief. The provider is a crook. I have learned not to depend on my government. I don’t expect anything and I am never disappointed. Thank you Mr. Government for taking my hard earned dollars (over half of my family’s income) and not delivering. At least you’re consistent. One of the main topics in the news these days is how one of our former Prime Ministers is involved in illegal pay offs for awarding untended services. There is no question in my mind he is as crooked as a dogs hind leg. 90% of our politicians and people running this country are self serving. There interest is not to run the country but to line their pockets and elevate their egos. Anybody think different?
How bout a joke? Let me see. Well it is not really a joke, More like a sad truth.
Can you imagine working at the following Company? It has a little over 500 employees with the following statistics:
29 have been accused of spouse abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
117 have bankrupted at least two businesses
3 have been arrested for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shop-lifting
21 are current defendants in lawsuits
In 1998 alone 84 were stopped for drunk driving
Can you guess which organization this is?Give up?
It's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group that perpetually cranks out hundreds upon hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line.
I couldn't fine any statisics on our Canadian Parlament but there is no question in my mind we have similarly fine upstanding individuals leading our country. Why do we allow this? How do we change?
Talk to ya all soon.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
November 13, 2007
Howdy from Cooks Creek. Unusually warm today for the middle of November. Away above freezin and sunny but we are getting some big winds right now. What a break. Every day like this is a bonus. One less day of winter. I do not like winter. Never have and never will.
The flu bug is going through our home like wild fire. Both daughter were home sick today but seem to be on the mend and should be back to normal tomorrow (well, as normal as they get anyway).
As I read other peoples blogs it is interesting to see how people view the next 4 or 5 coming months. In my part of the world, people who live like we do (in the country, on a farm) are preparing or have prepared for the worst. This involves making sure all your machinery (cars, trucks, snowblowers, tractors, loaders etc.) are in top shape and well maintained, heaters have been installed in water tanks, furnaces are in top shape, supply of wood is available, supply of emergency food is available and animals have put on a layer of fat that will sustain them if or should I say when we get 3 weeks of -40. Yes, -40 and large amounts of snow are coming as sure as the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. Am I ready? Na, I'm never ready. There is always one more thing to do and when it (winter) hits, one more thing I should have done and didn't get done. Every year is the same. So here I sit waitin for it to come. When will it hit. Forecast is for cooler weather but no real winter for the next few days anyway.
Chickens know it's comin. Only got 10 eggs today. 10 eggs and a bunch of customers that require 10 dozen a day to meet their needs. Some of our customers undrstand but some just don't get it. When we tell them we don't have any eggs they kind of get upset, like we are holdin back or something. Chickens need to rest too. Their conserving energy and getting their machinery (read body) tuned up for the winter thats a comin.
I was talkin to buddy of mine up in Churchill. He is the fella who sends me down artic char(best tasting fish in the world). Now, that is up North. If you are interested to know where it is, look up to the very northern part of Manitoba on the Hudson Bay coast. Now them cats have been into winter for some time now. We will get -40 for a couple of weeks, they will get it for 4 months staight. Ya want to know what their biggest problem is right now. It is not the cold. It's polar bears. Yep, polar bears come to the coast of the Hudson Bay but can't get out onto the ice flow because it hasn't formed yet. So, what do they do, they come into town and are lookin for food. Food to them is garbage, dogs, cats, people. Their main diet is seals but they can't get any untill the ice forms and they can get out on the ice. The polar bears are the life and death of Churchill. They are extremely dangerous but they are also very useful. They have become a tourist attraction. People come from all over the world to see the polar bears.
How about a joke.
A goodolboy, down on his luck, went into a church which catered to the "uppity". Spotting the man's dirty work clothes a deacon, worried about the churches image, went to the man and asked him if he needed help. The man said, "I was praying and the Lord told me to come to this church."
The deacon suggested that the man go pray some more and possibly he might get a different answer. The next Sunday the man returned. The deacon asked, "Did you get a different answer?"
The man replied, "Yes I did. I told the Lord that they don't want me in that church and the Lord said, 'Don't worry about it son; I've been trying to get into that church for years and they won't let me in either."
I am thinkin that this may be more of a life lesson than a joke. Anyway, have a good night and we will talk to ya all real soon.
The flu bug is going through our home like wild fire. Both daughter were home sick today but seem to be on the mend and should be back to normal tomorrow (well, as normal as they get anyway).
As I read other peoples blogs it is interesting to see how people view the next 4 or 5 coming months. In my part of the world, people who live like we do (in the country, on a farm) are preparing or have prepared for the worst. This involves making sure all your machinery (cars, trucks, snowblowers, tractors, loaders etc.) are in top shape and well maintained, heaters have been installed in water tanks, furnaces are in top shape, supply of wood is available, supply of emergency food is available and animals have put on a layer of fat that will sustain them if or should I say when we get 3 weeks of -40. Yes, -40 and large amounts of snow are coming as sure as the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. Am I ready? Na, I'm never ready. There is always one more thing to do and when it (winter) hits, one more thing I should have done and didn't get done. Every year is the same. So here I sit waitin for it to come. When will it hit. Forecast is for cooler weather but no real winter for the next few days anyway.
Chickens know it's comin. Only got 10 eggs today. 10 eggs and a bunch of customers that require 10 dozen a day to meet their needs. Some of our customers undrstand but some just don't get it. When we tell them we don't have any eggs they kind of get upset, like we are holdin back or something. Chickens need to rest too. Their conserving energy and getting their machinery (read body) tuned up for the winter thats a comin.
I was talkin to buddy of mine up in Churchill. He is the fella who sends me down artic char(best tasting fish in the world). Now, that is up North. If you are interested to know where it is, look up to the very northern part of Manitoba on the Hudson Bay coast. Now them cats have been into winter for some time now. We will get -40 for a couple of weeks, they will get it for 4 months staight. Ya want to know what their biggest problem is right now. It is not the cold. It's polar bears. Yep, polar bears come to the coast of the Hudson Bay but can't get out onto the ice flow because it hasn't formed yet. So, what do they do, they come into town and are lookin for food. Food to them is garbage, dogs, cats, people. Their main diet is seals but they can't get any untill the ice forms and they can get out on the ice. The polar bears are the life and death of Churchill. They are extremely dangerous but they are also very useful. They have become a tourist attraction. People come from all over the world to see the polar bears.
How about a joke.
A goodolboy, down on his luck, went into a church which catered to the "uppity". Spotting the man's dirty work clothes a deacon, worried about the churches image, went to the man and asked him if he needed help. The man said, "I was praying and the Lord told me to come to this church."
The deacon suggested that the man go pray some more and possibly he might get a different answer. The next Sunday the man returned. The deacon asked, "Did you get a different answer?"
The man replied, "Yes I did. I told the Lord that they don't want me in that church and the Lord said, 'Don't worry about it son; I've been trying to get into that church for years and they won't let me in either."
I am thinkin that this may be more of a life lesson than a joke. Anyway, have a good night and we will talk to ya all real soon.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
November 10, 2007
How ya all doin. I am doing great, any better and I'd be suspicious. The good Lord has givin me another day to complete some work before winter. I have been askin him for another day, and another day, and another day of decent weather for the last couple of weeks and he just keeps handin them too me.
It is our turn to do soup in our little barn church tomorrow. Every Sunday after our service we all set down and have a bowl of soup together and visit. It has become the highlight of my week. Anyway, it is our turn to do the soup so there is this big pot of chicken soup on the stove and man, does it smell good. That little barn church has sure become sumthin special to our family. I thank my maker every day that he showed us the way there. The church is in our Pastors yard and is on the banks of the Cooks Creek. Now, let me tell ya on Sunday morning at 10 oclock we start. We ain't big, but the singin and music that is comin out of that little barn is second to none. I alway picture someone comin down the creek in a canoe and as they approach the church they hear us a singin and praisin the good Lord. Man, that would leave a lump in your throat for sure.
My son is under the weather some. On Thursday I got a call from my wife that he was sicker than old Joe Coots dog. So at lunch time I picked him up and brought him home. Friday he was fine but then it started again on Friday night. He is still under the weather but seems to be on the mend. Hopefully he will back in the saddle tomorrow. He is a tough little fella and not too much will get him down but this flu bug has knocked him on his butt.
Ya all got a favorite passage in the bible. I do. I found it a couple of weeks ago and I bet I have read it over three dozen times. When I first found it I thought it was written special for me. Ya want to know what it is?
"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you. So that your daily life will win the respect of outsiders and so you will not be dependant on anyone."
1st Thessalonians, Chapter 4 verse 11 & 12. Man, that says it all. That is what I try to do. That is what I want to do everyday. If I can go to my maker and they say he led a quiet life and minded his own business and didn't depend on anyone. In my mind, I will have been a success.
How about a joke. I'm a hillbilly redneck rascal so I'll tell ya one that hits close to home.
Ya might be a Redneck if;
Ya all come back from the dump with more than you took.
Ya, me and my daughter went to the dump this morning and we came back with more than we took. Came back with a truck load of cinder blocks. Why would anyone throw away good cinder blocks.
Well, Ya all take er easy or anyway ya can. Talk to ya all soon.
It is our turn to do soup in our little barn church tomorrow. Every Sunday after our service we all set down and have a bowl of soup together and visit. It has become the highlight of my week. Anyway, it is our turn to do the soup so there is this big pot of chicken soup on the stove and man, does it smell good. That little barn church has sure become sumthin special to our family. I thank my maker every day that he showed us the way there. The church is in our Pastors yard and is on the banks of the Cooks Creek. Now, let me tell ya on Sunday morning at 10 oclock we start. We ain't big, but the singin and music that is comin out of that little barn is second to none. I alway picture someone comin down the creek in a canoe and as they approach the church they hear us a singin and praisin the good Lord. Man, that would leave a lump in your throat for sure.
My son is under the weather some. On Thursday I got a call from my wife that he was sicker than old Joe Coots dog. So at lunch time I picked him up and brought him home. Friday he was fine but then it started again on Friday night. He is still under the weather but seems to be on the mend. Hopefully he will back in the saddle tomorrow. He is a tough little fella and not too much will get him down but this flu bug has knocked him on his butt.
Ya all got a favorite passage in the bible. I do. I found it a couple of weeks ago and I bet I have read it over three dozen times. When I first found it I thought it was written special for me. Ya want to know what it is?
"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you. So that your daily life will win the respect of outsiders and so you will not be dependant on anyone."
1st Thessalonians, Chapter 4 verse 11 & 12. Man, that says it all. That is what I try to do. That is what I want to do everyday. If I can go to my maker and they say he led a quiet life and minded his own business and didn't depend on anyone. In my mind, I will have been a success.
How about a joke. I'm a hillbilly redneck rascal so I'll tell ya one that hits close to home.
Ya might be a Redneck if;
Ya all come back from the dump with more than you took.
Ya, me and my daughter went to the dump this morning and we came back with more than we took. Came back with a truck load of cinder blocks. Why would anyone throw away good cinder blocks.
Well, Ya all take er easy or anyway ya can. Talk to ya all soon.
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