Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hello All

It is Sunday in Cooks Creek. Weather is overcast, snow and on the warm side but winds are gusting out of the west so it feels cooler than it is. Week until Christmas Eve. Where is the time goin? It will be all over before ya can blink and we will turn our attentions to somethin else. Please take the time to slow down and enjoy this time with your family/friends and reflect on what the time means to ya all. The deal is different for every person. One thing I do know, I bet there isn’t one person out there that says I want to be stressed and run around like a chicken with its head cut off (they really do that). Kick back and take er easy. We had a young fella take his own life in our area this week. I don’t know the story and don’t really care too. What I do know is things seem to come to a head at this time of year for so many people. Every year at this time ya hear of someone who can’t cope and looks for peace by doin this. Whether your rich or poor, smart or slow in the head (like me) Christmas should be a time of joy. I pray you all find it that way. For some it is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, some it is a time to just be with family and friends and then for some it is a time for just plain festivities. One thing it should not be is a competition. You all know what I am talkin about. Take er easy. Please.

My eldest daughter’s mare had colic yesterday again. This time real bad. Wife and I had gone to town when it happened. The oldest daughter was at work and my youngest daughter and son were at home. (Yes, we leave a 12 and 9 year old at home by themselves) Real proud of the youngest daughter. She called her friend and had her Dad come over. We had people from every direction coming to help. By the time we got home she was up and ok and everyone had left. Young lady named Hillary came over with a truck full of stuff. I guess Hillary is a horse expert. Seems she carries everything in her vehicle to deal with every horse emergency. We don’t even know Hillary. She lives in the area though. My daughter has been phoning to try and get her phone # so we can get in touch and pay her. So, Hillary if you are readin this and the chances of that you are, are nil to none. Thanks for your help. You prevented a bad situation. Talk about neighbors coming to your rescue. All I can say is Good People. About says it all.

My eldest daughter was on her way home from work when all this was goin on. She was ridin my wife’s mare (Dixie). She said Dixie wanted to run all the way home. She thinks Dixie knew her mare was in trouble and wanted to get her home. I think Dixie was hungry and wanted to get home to eat. Her version sounds neat but you will have to decide what gave Dixie her mind to hurry home.

On the subject of helpin people, sometimes people are a helpin ya and they don’t even know it or know ya for that matter. Because this whole farmin deal and bein self sufficient is pretty new for us it is easy to question your reasoning and what ya all are doin. We are the Lone Ranger in this deal up here. I’m sure there are other people who are doin this but we don’t know of any in our part of the world. When ya are puttin in $3.00 in expenses and getting $1.00 in revenue it is hard to keep your head around the purpose of all this. Am I depriving my family of stuff? Is what we are doing on track? Why ain’t this deal workin? I receive help and support from some of the other bloggers and because of this I consider them friends and good people. Ya read other blogs and see many of the others are going through or have been through some of the deals we are going through. So you say to yourself, hey maybe I ain’t so goofy after all. They were where we are 3 years ago and now they are here and doin better. So lets move on. They did it and got through it so why can’t I. So to all my helpin friends (Lynn, Tom, Christina, Jim, RL, Brad, can’t remember ya all, I read allot of blogs) in the blog world thanks for sharing your experiences and the help. It is comfortin to know that this technology that is used so many times for evil is also has a good purpose too.

Wife is downstairs doin Christmas bakin. She is kind of ticked at me at the moment. We were havin breakfast, had finished and my back was getting sore (back hurts when I sit or lie for a time) so I thought I would be helpful and start to clean up. We had pancakes and there was a cup or syrup on the table. I picked it up and poured it back into its container. Problem is I poured the syrup in her vanilla. Containers looked the same. Told ya I was slow in the head. Anyway, she is riled now and I am keeping my head down up here blogging. Told not to help anymore. Things should cool down in a time.

Think I will head out to my shop and work on my Christmas presents. Should be safe out there. Merry Christmas to ya all. Keep warm.


Tom Scepaniak said...

Hmm, so you make mistakes in the kitchen too!! And if we ain't in contact before the date, Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Lynn Bartlett said...

Well, I get lots of "help" from 5 men, and sometimes it's not accepted very well! Tomorrow I am going to take a deep breath and make cut out cookies with our 7-year-old, who spills more than he gets into the bowl. Should be interesting.

What is colic in a horse? I've only heard about it in babies.

Did your wife finish her quilt?

Thanks for reading my blog; I'd much rather read other's blogs than write in my own!

Goodolboy said...

Thanks for droppin in. Wish sometimes we could just sit face to face and have a coffee and talk a spell.

Tom, I thought the vanilla was ruined but the wife says she will still use it. Stuff ain't cheap. Someone was lookin down and had a bit of a chuckle.

Lynn, I am really not the person to explain colic. I will give you what limited knowledge I have. Colic is really just a pain in the gut. The problem is there are different kinds of colic. And them being a horse they can't tell ya whats up. So you lways suspect the worst and hope for the best. Some types are fatal. It can be as simple as gas or as deadly as a twisted gut (intestine twists) or severly blocked gut (constapation). I believe we caused the colic in this horse because we changed her feed schedule. She is very thin and at the low end of the pecking order in the herd. Two Saturdays ago we put a round bale in the corral and let them go at it Trying to bring her weight up. She wasn't used to the extra feed and literally ate and ate until she made herself sick. (my opinion). She went down the last time and would not get up. This is bad because you are not sure if she is just stuborn or the gut is twisted and cut off the blood supply to her digestive system.

Wife is still workin on the quilt. Very close to bein done. Said it will be done by Christmas which is good because it is her Mom's gift.