Sunday, January 14, 2007

It's CCCCCCold

Sunday evenin in Cooks Creek. Weather here is cold. Very cold. Everything is suffering. Animals, machines and people. I said I wanted it to get colder to put an end to all the flu bugs and such that are goin around and guess what? I got my wish. I feel sorry for the animals in this weather. All ya can do is make sure they get lots of food and some shelter if ya can swing it. They need the food to give them the energy to keep themselves warm. I give them all they want when it is like this. All the wild critters just hunker down and wait it out. Ya don’t see any wild animals when it is like this. They are all hold up deep in the bush or their dens. We need to take a lesson from Mother Nature. There are times it ain’t fit to venture out so ya need to hold up and relax until things get where they need to be again. There was no school on Friday because of the weather. Think it was –48 with the wind-chill. Buses aren’t too dependable when it is that cold so they just shut the school down. Kids thought it was great and because the wife works at the school too, she also got a long weekend out of the deal. I know it is cold when the first thing the kids do when they get up is turn on the radio. They turn the radio to CJOB. Then they listen for the announcement the school division is closing schools. If their school isn’t mentioned it is sad sacks all around. If it is, ya never seen a happier bunch. Things are sure different now than when I went to school. I can only remember one time we didn’t have to go to school because of weather. That was a big blizzard in the 60s. 1964 I think. Whole South part of the province was shut down for days. I’m not so lucky. No day off for me because of weather. Just the opposite. When it is that cold and ya work in a vehicle repair shop things get a little goofy. We were busy and will be until the weather takes a break. I had to open a lock on a big gate on Friday. I couldn’t do it with my mitts on so I pulled them off. They were only off for about 15 seconds and handling that cold steel I froze my fingertips. Talk about burn.

Other than the weather the New Year seems to be off to a good start. I don’t know if it is wishful thinkin or my imagination but I think the days are getting a little longer already. Hard to believe half of January is gone already. Wife and daughters have gone to church to work on the play. Just me and my son at home here tonite. I have some snow to clean up but I don’t want to run the tractor when it is this cold. I also don’t want to sit on the tractor when it is this cold. The wood pile is goin down a little faster than I planned. Hope I don’t run out before the end of winter. I split a little wood yesterday. Sure splits nice when it is this cold. Hardly no effort needed at all.

On Sundays at noon there is a show on TV called Church of the Rock
( The pastor is the best. Man, can that fella hammer out a message. His name is Pastor Mark Hughs. We don’t attend a church so we have our own little service here at home and listen to Pastor Hughs. Today he was talkin about old time religion. Sins, Righteousness and Judgement. I got to admit when most of those preachers get to talkin my eyelids get heavy. Not with this preacher though. I’m awake and listenin and can even relate/understand what he is sayin. If any of ya have a chance give him a listen. They have a Saturday evening service. I was teasing the wife I was goin to take her out on a date and we would go into Winnipeg to the evening service. Actually that ain’t a bad idea. Maybe go out to dinner too. Have to give that a think.

I will leave you this evening with something that I read today and really hit home. “Good food may be more expensive but it is sure cheaper than doctors and hospitals”.

Stay warm.


Lynn Bartlett said...

We are freezing down here as well. Thanks for sharing it with us! I am also worried about our animals, but so far so good. I sure hope this spell breaks soon, since when we got up this morning the thermometer was almost to the 40 below F. mark. No wonder it was so cold in the house! Thanks for your post.

Goodolboy said...

Hi Lynn, Thanks for droppin by. With this cold snap I have been thinkin about you all. Hope ya are all gettin on ok. I've seen it alot colder than this when I was up North but can't say I will ever get used to it. Wicked South wind yesterday. Poor horses had no shelter then went out at 5:00 this mornin and it was like summer (not really but it was way warmer). Heard of some more people that are home schoolin up here. More common than I knew, just know one talks about it I guess.