Saturday, December 9, 2006

Springs here

It’s warmed up here in Cooks Creek. What a change. From 25 below to 25 above in 36 hours. Well that is ok. Cleaned out the chicken coop today and cut some wood. Finished buildin some nestin boxes too. The warm weather made those jobs easier to swallow. Was down right enjoyable. Need a new chain saw. Mine is down on power. Cyl. is scored. I put a cyl. and piston in it 5 years ago and it cost half of what a new saw is even though I did the work myself. I will keep this one for a spare and save up for a new one. We had some excitement here tonite. One of the mares colicked and went down. My daughter found her about 5:30 when she came home from work. Finally got her up and moving. She kept wanting to go down but they kept her moving. Called the vet and he came out right away. He did his thing and we are watchin her close tonite. She should be ok. My oldest daughter was all eyes while that vet worked on that horse. Maybe the vet deal is not dead yet. I would be happier than a pig in muck if she would pursue that. If she doesn’t make it fine but I sure would like her to give it a shot. I haven’t mentioned it for some time and won’t. It is her deal. She has to call the shots.

Goodolboy Speaks His Mind (What there is of it)

I got to speak my mind about somethin that happened to me Friday. The company I work for is sending every employee to Diversity and Respectful Workplace Training. I had to go Friday. It was an all day deal, 8 long hours. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m all for what they are a teachin. Just can’t figure out for the life of me why they need to teach it. It boils down to somethin I learned in Sunday School 45 years ago. Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.
I don’t know how much this trainin is costin but it won’t be cheap. Trainin never is. It is sad that we need to have a course to tell people to treat other people with respect. I would think your parents would of taught ya that when ya were young. But maybe not. As I walk through this deal we call life I see lots of young uns that don’t have any respect for themselves never mind other people. Has it come to that? People need to be taught how to take in the considerations of other folk. Now I am generalizing here so don’t get all over me like scum on a pond. I know there are allot of good young uns out there. They know what is right and wrong. They weren’t born with that knowledge. Mom and Dad taught it to them. Taught them to respect themselves and their fellow man/woman. Taught it to them by example and by word of mouth. But there are lots that don’t know what is acceptable behavior, dress and such. My wife works at a school serving up grub. Sees some pitiful stuff everyday. Young uns come to school dressed inappropriately, talking dirty, no work ethic, no basic manners (please and thank you) and thumbing their nose at authority. I ask have these kids been taught acceptable behavior and just don’t mind or has no one taken the time to fill them in on the manners deal. It has got to start at home. My kids call all their elders Mr. Miss or Mrs. No exceptions. We have adults tell them just call me Bob or Sally or what ever. No….. not goin to happen. They will address all adults with respect and that means the use of Mr. etc. These adults aren’t their buddies or peers they are elders and should be treated as such. I have taught them that and everything else they need to become good people. We have people comment on my kids manners and behavior all the time. They aren’t anything special. We have taught them basic behavior skills but those skills are becomein so rare that when someone has them they stand out like a sore thumb. It makes you wonder how some of these girls leave the house in the morn with cloths on that would make a streetwalker blush. Where is mom and dad? Can’t they see or do they see and don’t care? Is this why a company needs to train basic behavior skills to their employees. I guess so. If what I see is anything to go by, it is goin to get worse before it gets better. There, had my say. Any comments?

We’re takin the family Christmas shoppin tomorrow. No, not headin for the city. Just goin to Selkirk. Have to get somethin for the wife too. Big birthday comin up Monday. Oh yea, Happy Birthday to the Northern Farmer. His birthday is on Monday too. My youngest daughter has a band concert on Monday night too. (It's Sunday mornin here and I just come in from doin my chores. Youngest daughter comes up to me and says Dad, Mom's birthday and my concert are on Wednesday, not Monday. I guess that makes Tom's birthday on Wed. too. Sorry to all for the blunder, not goin to here the end of this for awhile.) She plays the trumpet. That should be an enjoyable evening if we can get a seat. Have to get there early or you end up stand-in for the entire concert. Well almost time to hit the hay. Goin to have a cup of coffee listen to a couple of tunes and go down for the night. Daughter is going to do the watch on the horse. Only fair since it is her horse. Talk to ya all soon. It don’t get any better than this and if it did I would be suspicious.


Lynn Bartlett said...

How is the horse doing? If your daughter wants to talk to a vet in training, we have a friend that is finishing up his last year in vet school. When he's done he will set up practice near Park Rapids, ND.

Our boys have grown up calling everyone by a title as well. I grew up that way but Jim didn't, so he has had to change a bit. We have a Wal-Mart Superstore coming into town (imagine that -- in a town of 2000, and we're not excited); at first they hesitated because they didn't think they could get enough people to work! Not dealing with the size of the town, but the younger generation just doesn't want to work for their money.

Goodolboy said...

Hi Lynn, Thanks for droppin by. Horse is doin fine. She is spent though. Seems to have taken alot out of her. She doesn't seem to be in any pain but has no energy at all. It was funny today. Wish I could of found a camera. She is layin down and our three barn cats were lying there with her. One on her back. Nice and warm I guess,

That Wal-Mart deal won't be good for the town. All the small merchants will suffer bad. Maybe people will see the light some day but I am not holdin out hope. Talk to ya all soon. Can you believe this weather.

Anonymous said...

I figured I'd better drop by and wish your wife Happy Birthday this morning!Us lucky 13's had better stick together :)
It's been warm here too! Talking the forties today. Easy on the machinery and me, not to mention the cattle getting fatter from not having to burn off so much energy.
By the way, we also have a Wal-Mart Super store planned for Little Falls. In a town that small, well, I just don't get it.
