Saturday, December 30, 2006

Post Christmas

Well, here it is Saturday evenin in Cooks Creek. Cloudy but still warm for this time of year. Spose to get a little snow tonite. Say around 4 or 5 inches but we’ll have to see. I haven’t been bloggin for a time. If a feller has a blog I spose he has some responsibility to blog so here I go. I actually typed a blog out just after Christmas but my youngest daughter deleted it some how. I was riled but then again it was only a blog, no big deal. I’ll try and remember some of what I was tellin but not sure I will get it all.

Out attempt at an old fashion Christmas was a good deal. I really enjoyed the relaxed ways, no stress and all. It is definitely the way to go from now on. Easier on the pocket book too. We had my mom, the wife’s folks and her sister for Christmas dinner. Some of the guests didn’t seem to care for our new Christmas tradition but too bad. Take it or leave it, makes no never mind to me. It’s the way we are doin things around here. One thing for sure there was no shortage of good food and good company. But with that bein said Christmas proper is a done deal for another year. Got to admit already thinin about spring and all the stuff we are goin to be doin this year to further our goal of becomin a full farmin deal. On Christmas Eve we had Arctic Char for supper. Now this is some of the best fish I ever ate. This olboy was so big I had to cut him in half on my band saw so we could get him in the oven. A buddy of mine sent it to me. He lives in Churchill. Churchill is on the coast of Hudson Bay, no trees, tundra, polar bears and Arctic Char. If ya ever get a chance to try this fish make sure ya all do. Ya won’t be sorry. Gooood Eatin!

Over the Christmas break I was thinkin about chickens. How many we are going to do next year and all. I got to thinkin about pluckin those fellers. We ended up with 200 broilers and 12 turkeys last year. Plucked everyone of those son of a guns by hand. We tried to make it fun by havin little contests, tellin jokes, playin music and such but it is real tryin to make chicken pluckin fun. Sooooo I have sent away for a set of plans for a chicken plucker from Cumberland Books. Should be here any day now. They say you can put it together for around $500 if you buy everythin new. Now I am a scrounger. I think I might get er done for $200. Once the plans get here I will start the hunt for all the bits and pieces. I may have well plucked my last chicken by hand (I sure hope so). Keep ya all posted on how it goes.

My son got a little guitar from Santa. Him and I have started to try and learn the guitar together. I use my daughters and he uses his. For the life of me I can’t get my fingers to bend and hold all those strings like your spose too. Fingers are too fat or stiff or somethin. I have learned some notes but the chords ain’t goin so well. Can play part of Amazin Grace. I love that song. That and the Old Rugged Cross are my favorites.

New Years Eve tomorrow nite. Our tradition is “The Big Lunch”. We have been doin this for a good many years. We make a bunch of not so healthy snacks and sit around and watch a movie or play some music or games or whatever we feel like. It is just the 5 of us. If I am lucky I will make it to midnite. The last couple of years I didn’t quite do it. It is a big deal for us. Kids talk about it for weeks before hand. Oldest daughter is probably goin to fly the coop pretty soon so this may be one of the last we are all together.

With the New Year comes resolutions and promises and such. I am not big into that stuff. I got to tell ya I am not happy with what I see hapenin in this ol world today. Today they killed a killer. Media jumped on it like there was no tomorrow and sensationalized the deal. Sad deal no matter where ya sit. Bringin up three young uns into this deal has both me and my wife concerned.

Oh there is another big problem. Oldest daughter just got home from work and is readin her brother and sister the riot act because there is chicken poop on her slippers. Guess someone stepped on her slippers with their boots. Might of even been me. Better keep my head down for a bit until things cool down. Now they are arguing if it is chicken poop or horse poop. Man, that should be no contest. Even I could figure that out. What is this world comin too?

Well I think supper is on the table. Goin down and get me some. Talk to ya all soon.


Lynn Bartlett said...

You could check out for photos and how to use the Whizbang Chicken Plucker; Herrick Kimball has a blog and earlier in either late summer or fall he wrote about using his scalder and plucker. We just pull the skin off from ours -- much faster! (PS -- we have a male German Shepherd as well, and we sure love him!)

Goodolboy said...

Happy New Year Lynn, I am kind of bias when it comes to dogs. Shepherds are the only dog as far as I'm concerned. I have had a few over the years and never a bad one. There is actually a group for the Wizbangchickenplucker in Yahoo. One of the members has posted a video of one in action. Sure seems to work good. I think Mr. Kimball invented the plucker and is the author of the book I ordered. Your right skinning them is faster and healthier but customers want the skin on so we got to give them what they want.
Did ya get the snow? Think I heard it came up from the South so ya probably did.

Lynn Bartlett said...

Hi Guy, we had about 8" of the fluffy stuff. It was great! On Sunday the boys wanted to go ice fishing very badly, so they had to push our station wagon 1/3 of the way down our 1/4 mile driveway! By the time they got back the township plow had come in and plowed our driveway. We have it pretty easy up here. Good thing, because we don't have a plow -- or a truck or tractor, for that matter!

Anonymous said...

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